What happened some days ago at the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, simply shocked the whole
world. It remembered us that it’s not true that we’re living in peace times.
We’re into at least one conflict.
In fact crowds
immediately gathered in different squares so quick to take the breath away. Suddenly
different kinds of posters and slogan were shown , praising death, holy war,
sharia and hate. The protest and the anger of entire people literally exploded
as a bomb. But this one is not a common mass destruction weapon. This one has
been carefully assembled with such tools as desperation, poverty, ignorance and
rebellion, the last resource left. Instead of dynamite and explosive powders
the desire of identity and self-determination were handled precisely and these
found no better way out than the Orthodox affirmation of their difference. This
is a bomb which has a decades long fuse and it is kept alive from generation to
generation. A fuse which was wanted and lighted up from those who now are
trying to turn it off by fighting it and giving it the extremism and fanatic
But if we focus a bit
more on the problem itself, we find out that anything of this is new. Even
though these protests are the result of the publication of “the innocence of
Muslims”, a provocative anti-Islam movie, we cannot simply forget what happened
in the past. Events like that already
took place in our recent history. How can we forget about the awful chaos
provoked by the publication of “Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie. Book which
cost the writer, also Islamic, a fatwa, a death sentence, from Ayatollah Ruhollah
So now a question
spontaneously rises up, how can a book and a low value movie with a
questionable level of comprehension cause such a huge reaction?
The answer is that
they cannot. Behind the people’s protests, economic, politic and religious
interests are hidden. The example of the Pakistani prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, matches
perfectly. Once he had put a reward on the movie director’s head, he tries to
stop somehow the people’s anger, which has already burnt several cinemas in
sign of protest, owned by the prime minister himself. However the exploitation
of the hatred goes on. This chaotic situation provides a prolific ground for
extremist groups such Salafis, Jihadis, Wahhabis and so on, which thanks to
their plotter skills they try some sort of surprise attack. In fact it is no secret
their involvement in all of the most sensitive areas of the Middle East. Military
actions in favor of the rebels in Syria, attacks on Christian churches in
Nigeria, attempts to attack Libya and more generally the all areas of the
"Arab spring". Finally, how can we forget the incredible success
legally and democratically obtained by the “Muslims Brothers” in Egypt?
Meanwhile the Occident was and remains divided between those who defend
dictatorships and through them their profits, those who simplistically label
the whole thing as "not our business" and those who joy simply
because the nation is in turmoil. Without knowing the complex backgrounds, the
real causes, the reasons, which inspire this revolution, they are trying to use
this not easy handle tools their self in order to make their regimes fall. They
started affirming that a moderate Islam is possible and that the Arab Spring
brings with it that modernization wind which should take-away the more extreme
elements and increase the value of the more democratic, more human and more
free features. In a word more Western, in a society that will never be Western
Meanwhile, the engines of fanaticism are set in motion, they open gaps,
spread discord and take advantage of the divisions. The market is now open and
hatred is the most traded product, it generates profits more than prosperous. Doing
so, that open and deep wound which divides the western edge from middle east
edge, gets infected and it begins to bleed profusely. The conflict, or perhaps
we should call it clash, between the secularized Western civilization and the Eastern
society, on the contrary dominated by religion, is now more than real and has one
common denominator: the misunderstanding. Sometimes desired and sought, fed by
hatred and rejection, feelings brilliantly exploited by anyone who can find
some kind of interests.
Other times simply result of random misunderstandings driven by the
normal difficulty of the everyday life habits.
In any case the difference is huge. In Middle Eastern societies religion
is the basis of the everyday life. On the other hand the Western societies
decided to dismiss and replace it with new gods, new idols which may be real
and concrete but they still maintain a strongly ethereal features.
A good example comes from Lebanon, the last country in the Arab world
where the number of Christians and Muslims is pretty much proportional. A
country in which the assignment of the highest offices of the state is governed
by the constitution according to the religion they believe in and not by law. The level of
sacredness of such societies is so high that it’s necessary to go back for centuries until the Middle Age, until the
time of Crusades to find the same level in Europe. The Middle East society needs
religion, just as the West one needs laicism. Arab people need to have faith in
something, they use their confession to stay together. Within this kind of
environment every religion shows its orthodox side, even Christianity.
Defined by Samir Kassir as the only still standing bridge between Occident
and the Middle East and because of its nature continually trampled by all
travelers. Punctually reduced to minority, abandoned and left without strength,
in the same measure by the Islamic fundamentalists and the occident, which has
decided to ignore its origins. As one who wiped the mud from his shoes,
polishing them and perfuming a bit, hopes to enter into the leading elite. In doing
so, the West has decided to raise their own culture as a lighthouse of humanity.
Ignoring the specific demands of a people who is seeking for understanding,
showing, instead, only their most extreme and rough features.
Arabs, however, are not only like that. They are heirs of a great
civility, which gave birth to the modern world. Arabs can regain their destiny
independently. Only if they get rid of the victim role defined by the modern International
order. Besides they finally have to face with modernity that for many continues
to be a threat and remove any kind of extremism which does not allow to show an alternative way of modernism but Western
modernization. The Arabic unhappiness, mother of hatred and violence, can be
cured, but it needs brave decisions and sacrifices.
Nader Moukarzel
Bel articolo!! take a look at "Musa al Sader" a Shiite Sheikh kidnapped in Lybia more than 30 years ago. he said many things concerning Muslims and Christians living together in the middle east and specially in Lebanon.
RispondiEliminaThanks a lot, i'll definitely have a look on what you advised me. But is it an article or is it book? In any case sounds extremely interesting. Of course if you have something more to suggest, please feel free to say it.